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AWS User Group Wrocław meetup - luty 2024

AWS User Group Wrocław - meetup luty 2024

Opis spotkania

Tym razem wyjątkowo bo po angielsku. Dwie bardzo ciekawe prezentacje przed nami. Gorąco zapraszamy!


➡️ 18:00 - Start
🧑‍💻 18:15 - Wing: Paradigm Shift in Cloud Application Development - Artem Sokhin
🍻 19:00 - Networking & Pizza
🧑‍💻 19:30 - Methods of Control and Cost Optimization for Amazon EKS - Jarosław Grząbel
🍻 20:15 - Networking

1. Wing: Paradigm Shift in Cloud Application Development

This session will explore Wing - an innovative programming language that pioneers the simplification of cloud application programming by bridging the gap between infrastructure and application logic.
We will examine how Wing aspires to become the first “cloud-oriented” language, addressing numerous cloud-specific challenges such as difficulties in testing, a lack of local cloud development solutions, vendor lock-in, and the necessity to delve deeply into every cloud platform.
Lastly, the session will demonstrate the ease of writing and deploying an application in Wing to AWS, while also showcasing the exclusive features of Wing.

🎤 Prowadzący: Artem Sokhin
Fullstack Developer & Guild Master @ A4BEE
Graduate of Wroclaw University of Technology, I am a certified cloud specialist, conference speaker, and writer of professional articles. I am passionate about new technologies and dedicated to spreading the best practices in DevOps, Cloud, and Decentralization to the world.

2. Methods of Control and Cost Optimization for Amazon EKS

In the process of application modernization, Kubernetes plays a huge role and helps organizations not only in modernization but also in cost optimization. In my presentation, I will try to present further methods that allow for the control and optimization of costs specifically for Amazon EKS.

🎤 Prowadzący: Jarosław Grząbel
Jarosław (Jarek) is an AWS Architect at the Center of Excellence at SoftServe, with over 15 years of experience in the IT industry. He is also one of the approximately 300 AWS Ambassadors worldwide. Recently, he has also been nominated as an AWS Black Belt for containers. His area of expertise is Kubernetes. In his personal life, he has many passions, mainly revolving around active pursuits such as cycling, skiing, sailing, and, on the more static side, technologies related to smart homes.


KIEDY: poniedziałek, 12 lutego 2024, o godzinie 18:00

GDZIE: Galaktyka Park (OpsTalent office), Ślężna 132, 53-111 Wrocław 🔴 UWAGA: adres inny niż zwykle 🔴

REJESTRACJA: https://www.meetup.com/pl-PL/aws-ug-wroclaw/events/298584162/


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